As the current year draws to a close you may already be making plans for the brand new year ahead and feeling excited about the changes you want to make in your life.  It is indeed a time of hope and determination that comes with a clean slate of possibility.

But are you in fact beginning this new year with a clean slate?  Or are there still some remnants from years gone by?  Is there anything you need to wipe clean or let go of to make room for the new?

This could be physical clutter, mental clutter or emotional clutter.  Very often it’s all three, since a cluttered mind and psyche are usually reflected in our outer physical world.  I can certainly speak from experience on this one!

“What I know for sure is that when you declutter — whether it’s your home, your head, or your heart — it is astounding what will flow into that space that will enrich you, your life, and your family.”
— Peter Walsh

Like the tree in autumn that sheds its spent leaves to make room for new growth in the spring, we too must shed what no longer serves us to make room for new growth and possibility.

    • This could be material items we no longer have any use for but which have become burdens of attachment.
    • It could be negative thoughts and beliefs that are keeping us stuck in old disempowering patterns of behaviour.
    • It could also be emotional baggage that weighs heavily on our hearts and drains us of energy.

More than likely it’s a combination of all of these because they are intimately connected.

And letting go in any of these areas requires an element of faith.

    • Faith that life will provide for our future material needs.
    • Faith that we’ll be okay without those old thought patterns and habits that have defined us, and perhaps even protected us, up until now.
    • Faith that working through and releasing those emotions will make us stronger and more resilient to life’s challenges.

Here’s the good news….life will always reward a leap of faith which, in essence, requires you to let go of the familiar and step out into the unknown.  The rewards may not come in the way you expect them to, and they may not come right away, but they will come and you can be sure they will positively impact your health and well-being in countless ways.

And the clearer you are about your priorities and your purpose in life, the easier it becomes to take that leap of faith and let go of those things that aren’t in alignment with your vision.  It also makes it easier to recognize and embrace the rewards when they come.

So if you need help gaining that clarity of vision, if you need help letting go of the physical, mental and emotional clutter that’s preventing you from feeling your best, then let me help you start the new year off on the right foot.  Book your free jump-start session below and let’s chat!

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